Friday, January 21, 2011


This is some basic, but important information about abortion. Some people say "therapeutic" or "surgical" abortion, but most people just use the word abortion. Abortion means ending a pregnancy. It is a choice that many women consider for an uplanned or unwanted pregnancy.  It doesn't matter why a woman wants to have an abortion; she has a legal right to make this choice.
Abortions are often done in hospitals. Women can also get an abortion at a clinic which specializes in doing abortions. It doesn't matter whether you go to a hospital or a clinic -- both are safe places to have an abortion.
How Is An Abortion Done And Is It Safe?
There are different kinds of abortions, but this is what usually happens if it is done in the first three months of pregnancy. During an abortion, a woman lies on her back. The doctor gently opens her vagina to see her cervix, or opening to her womb. The doctor uses either a local anesthetic to numb this area or a general anesthetic to make her sleep.
The doctor gradually opens the cervix and inserts a small tube. This tube is attached to a machine which gently removes the contents of the womb. Then the doctor carefully checks the inside of the womb to make sure no tissue remains. This procedure takes about 10 minutes.
Afterwards, the woman usually has some bleeding like a menstrual period. She will probably be able to go to school or work the next day, provided she doesn't have to do any heavy lifting or a lot of standing.
An abortion done after 12 weeks of pregnancy may be different. Ask questions about anything you don't understand. Some common questions about abortions are:
Q. Is abortion painful?
A. Many women feel cramps, like strong period cramps for a short time. Medication is given if the cramps are uncomfortable.
Q.  How safe is abortion?
 A. Abortions are very safe if they are legal and  done by trained doctors with safe, modern equipment.  And, the earlier an abortion is done, the lower the chance of any complications.
Q. If I have an abortion, can I still have children later on?
A. Yes. Women who have had an abortion done by a qualified doctor are just as likely to have a healthy baby in the future as other women. It is important to begin using birth control from the first time you have sex after an abortion.
  Does a Parent or Partner Need to Sign a Consent Form?
A woman might want to talk to her partner before deciding to have an abortion; however, she doesn't need to get his consent or agreement. Hospitals, clinics, family doctors and health insurance plans must keep the names of those having abortions private and confidential.
To have an abortion in a clinic, a parent's consent is not needed, no matter how old you are, as long as the doctor believes that you understand what is going to happen. If you are under 16, you will need to have a parent's consent to have a hospital abortion.
Remember, for both hospital and clinic abortions, there might be different requirements. It's important to ask about the requirements ahead of time.
Where Can I Go To Have An Abortion?
Abortions are done in a hospital or in a clinic that specializes in abortions.
To have an abortion in a hospital, you may need to visit a birth control clinic, your family doctor or a women's health centre first. They will help you make the arrangements. A hospital usually requires two or more appointments. The woman may receive a general anesthetic so that she will be asleep during the abortion. She will be at the hospital most of the day.
To have an abortion at an abortion clinic, you can call and make an appointment yourself. At an abortion clinic, women usually have one appointment that lasts about 4 hours. A local anesthetic is used which means she will be awake and kept comfortable. In both the clinic and the hospital, the actual abortion takes about 10 minutes.
An abortion should be done as early as possible. Most abortions are done during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and many hospitals will only do abortions up until then. Sometimes, abortions are done as late as 20 weeks. If you are thinking about having an abortion, you should get the information you need as early as possible.
Some places you can get this information are:
a Planned Parenthood Association
a birth control centre
a women's health centre at a hospital
your public health unit
The more questions you ask, the better informed you'll be.
But be careful! Some doctors, clinics or crisis pregnancy centres will not help arrange for an abortion. Some may try to talk you out of having an abortion. So get all the information you need to make the choice that is right for you.
How late in the Pregnancy Can I Get an Abortion?
An abortion should be done as early as possible. Early abortions are safest and easiest. The earlier you go to a doctor or clinic after you've missed a period, the sooner you'll know whether you're pregnant. Doctors estimate how many weeks pregnant a woman is by counting from the first day of the women's last menstrual period. It's important to know that date when you go for a pregnancy test.
Most abortions in Canada are performed in the first 12 weeks, also called the first trimester, of pregnancy. Sometimes abortions are done after 12 weeks, in the second trimester. Later abortions are more difficult to get.
In Canada, late abortions, after 20 weeks, are usually done to protect the health of the pregnant woman or because of test results showing problems with the fetus. Although they are safe, late abortions can have more complications than early abortions. While there is no time limit for when abortions can be done in Canada, it is very rare for abortions to be done after 20 weeks.
How Do Women Feel After An Abortion?
Women have abortions for lots of reasons. Studies find that most women feel relief after an abortion -- they feel the've made the decision that was right for them at that time in their lives.
A woman may feel upset if she did not get support from her partner, friends, family or doctor, of if a women felt pressured into having an abortion. Many women find a good friend or counsellor helpful at this time. There is counselling available at Planned Parenthood organizations, Public Health and abortion clinics.
When Someone You Know Wants an Abortion
Perhaps your partner, daughter or friend is considering abortion, or has just had an abortion. Many people in this situation feel confused, upset, concerned or even angry.
Making a decision about an unplanned pregnancy is often hard. All three options -- abortion, keeping the baby or giving the baby up for adoption -- can create a feeling of loss for those involved. The final decision about an abortion or what to do about a pregnancy belongs to the woman.
A lot of women turn to their partners, friends and family for support. Sometimes it's difficult for them to be supportive and comforting because they feel so strongly themselves.You can encourage the woman to share her thoughts by sharing yours, by being honest about feelings and concerns. You may not agree with her decision, but you can still be supportive and care for her.
Women often talk to a counsellor to help them make a decision; you might find this very helpful also.
Remember, there is free counselling available at Planned Parenthood organizations or Public Health Clinics.

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